Debt Recovery Specialists

Direct Debt Management

Direct Debt Management - Data Protection

Data we hold about you will be processed fairly and lawfully. It will be used only for the purposes set out below:

  • to provide you with updates relating to the law or legal process
  • to provide you with occasional information about other services which we offer that may be useful to you
  • to invite you to any occasional events we may host
  • in the event that you have retained us, to provide you with information relating to matters we are handling for you, or otherwise communicate with you about our business arrangements

We will not pass data about you to any third party, and we will only process it in the United Kingdom.

Usually, we will have data about you because you are or are employed by a client or former client of the practice, or because we have provided you with legal publications or other information, or because you have registered information about yourself with us. It is not in our interests to hold or use this data against your wishes.

You may wish us to amend or delete data we hold, or to stop using it for one or more of the purposes set out. In this event, or if you have any other enquiry relating to your data, please send an e-mail to the subject “Data Protection Request” stating your full name and your request.

Experienced Debt Collectors